Below are links to optional training courses for Trustees that cover the different aspects of the Trustees role. We would recommend having a look to see if any might be of interest.
What is charity governance and why does it matter?
Essential viewing for those looking to understand more about what it really means to be a charity trustee, why good charity governance is important, and why it matters to funders and donors.
This webinar covers:
- Governance – what it is and why it matters;
- Risk and why it needs to be managed and how it should be managed;
- Splitting strategic governance from day to day management;
- How to evaluate how well your charity is governed and;
- How to improve your governance and most importantly, let your funders know.
Free Trustee Training from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Institute of Chartered Accountants
This is free and online. It has six sections that take between 2-10 hours to complete. Each section has a video with an overview that lasts about an hour. The modules include reading material, videos and activities. There is an optional multiple-choice assessment at the end of each section. Once registered for a section, there is 12 months to complete it.
Links to Documents
Charity Commission – Essential Trustee Guide
Charity Commission – Infographic Six Main Trustee Duties
Cranfield Trust blog – Top Tips on Charity Governance
Cranfield Trust blog – Trustees Financial Responsibilities
Rathbones – A gentle guide for non-financial charity Trustees
Getting Onboard
Induction Training for Newly Appointed Trustees
Covers the role of a trustee, the main duties and responsibilities of a trustee and how to carry out your trusteeship duties effectively.
Runs: 7 March & 13 February 17.30-18.30
No More Charity Governance Please! Beyond the Trustee’s Role Description
This session is for trustees who have a passion to take their charity forward, to grow impact, to leave a personal legacy and feel the sense of personal fulfilment from the time they volunteer. It covers common pitfalls for charity boards and how to avoid them, interpreting sector-wide guidelines for the charity’s particular context, managing risk and how to establish an appropriate level of risk and your personal legacy
Runs: 20 February 18.00-19.00
To infinity and Beyond; An Introduction to Charity Finance for Trustees
This session is introductory. It is for trustees without a finance background who want to be able to engage fully with the organisation’s finances to be an effective trustee. The session covers: how to recognise our own money personality and what that means for our charity;
what good looks like and how to take good financial decisions well; where to look for guidance and how to know what guidance to look for and common elephant traps for charity boards and how to avoid them.
Runs: 8 February and 14 March 17.00-18.00